Social Credit, Tracking, NWO, Great Reset

China's Disgusting 'Social Credit' Control System

422 Views - Published on 18 Oct, 2021
Abdolute tyrannical control - every dictators wet dream This is the system the globalists are intending to roll out across the rest of the world to squash dissent and promote complete obedience. The narrator does a pretty good job outlining it but skips over the darker end where low scores spell no travel, no rights, and possibly having you sent off for re-education or organ donation/termination. While many in the world seem to overlook this outright atrocity against human liberties (seriously no countries even bat an eyelash at this behavior), it ultimately affects us all that 1/6th of the worlds population lives under such a sadistic regime. As a species we cannot allow this kind of injustice to flourishor we mayl all face the same miserable existence.


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