2 years ago
⁣The matter making up each brain cell is completely renewed every three
days. Your brain—that mass of matter which is contained in your skull today—is
not the same brain that was in your skull last week. Experts in this area of
research have concluded that there is a complete, 100 percent turnover of
atoms in the body at least every five years. In other words, not
one single atom present in your body today was there five years ago.

These findings are unfortunately not taught in many schools nor are they discussed
much at all in public. When we consider this carefully, then we will see that
the body has been constantly changing from a baby body to a child body to an
adolescent body to an adult body and then to an old person’s body. And all the
atoms in my body have been replaced many, many times. Yet, I am still here. I
remember things that happened decades ago. I feel that I am the same person
still although the body has changed so much over many years. How is this
possible if I was just the chemicals that change all the time in the body?
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