Coronavirus Mentioned in 2014 Interview With Anthony Patch., BIRD FLU, rabies, EVENT 201 A GLOBAL PANDEMIC EXORCISE AGENDA 21 AGENDA 30 NEW WORLD ORDER FRAUD LIE HOAX DCEPTION COVID 19 CORRONAVIRUS DESIESE FAUCI BILL & MELINDA GATES VACCINES FLU SHOT h1n1 oh my god boris johnson matt hancock 2 meters face masks bubbles face coverings itv bbc sky chemtrails vernon coleman globalists awakening DROCONIAN imagination cruel evil world health organisation world economic forum Klaus Schwab major cyberattack power kill grid mass murder genocide killing sychopath PSYCHOPATH slow kill thema 5G

Coronavirus Mentioned in 2014 Interview With Anthony Patch.

396 Views - Published on 26 Nov, 2020
⁣Highly Recommended Video. 2014 Anthony Patch Interview. He is telling the exact story of what is happening right now. Word for word. Exactly the same... Change everybodys DNA, what do they become, they become a hybrid. The insidious part of this is that, once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes transformation, almost immediately they lose all awareness of the fact that they have lost their independence.., to make decision on their own and to affect them on moral level, the moral independence, their beliefs, religious, moral, ethical, legal, all of those go away...


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