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Luh You

5 Views - Published on 30 May, 2021
Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luh you.

Nobody luh you how Jesus do
Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luh you
Nobody luh you nuh'n how he do
Nobody luh you, always thinkin' o' you
Nobody luh you how Jesus do

⁣Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luh you.

Nobody luh you how Jesus do
Not your daddy, not your mamma too
Noboby in your family, nobody what you knew

Not your neighbor, not the club you is in

Not your snook-i-ukums or your
very best friend, no

Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luh you
Nobody luh you how Jesus do.

When you're happy or when you're low

From the top o' your head to the under your toe
He's awake, your asleep in bed
He stay up all night to countduh hair on your head

Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luh you

Nobody luh you how Jesus do
He dont care what anybody say
No matta what you done He willnot go away
Yor duh closest thing He got toa vice
Yo are the apple of His eye
You are His garden of spices

Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luhyou

Nobody luh you like Jesus do
His love is like the dandeline in the fiels

Like the sun on the rise, it will not yield
They tried to stop it with an army of sin

They even put Him in the grave
He just got up again

Jesus luh me. This I know
For the Bible tell me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak, He is strong
Jesus luh me. Jesus luh you
Nobody luh you how Jesus do

Nobody luh you nuh'n how He luhyou

Nobody luh you how Jesus do
Receive it or no, beleive it ordoubt

He gonna luh you from theinside out
Nobody luh you, luh you, luhyou, luh you

Nobody luh you how Jesus do
Nobody luh you nuh'n how he do
Nobody lovin' nuh'n how He luh you


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