
R U In on a global social experiment - lets all have a sit in protest to stop this disgusting abuse

473 Views - Published on 14 Jun, 2021
⁣R U In on a global social experiment - lets all have a sit in protest to stop this disgusting abuse and pure wicked inhumane behaviour once and for all cos NOW is better than later!-)))See The Insanity For Itself; What More Proof Do You Need

Like any simple business model to turn product into cashflow requires soldiers at the front therefore we the masses are the soldiers turning product into cash for the fat corrupted cuntz at the top - SO - what would happen if the soldiers just all sat down together as one and passed a dutchie or whatever your flava until all acts of terror were stopped in the effected nations and JULIAN ASSANGE was FREED TRULY- the longer they take the quicker the cuntz at the top watch their revenue piss streams freeze and watch them squirm when they have to give their ptivate jet up for sale - and then maybe the power struggle that exists now might shift towards the masses that in general from what understand want PEACE and UNITY and wish no harm to their kind, Human Kind!-))) perhaps but it will fuckin work!!!!!!!! they always tread and shit on the very soldiers that are making the cash happen for them but they also forget, its we the people that could out survive them in all areas cos we are masters at using the scraps they pay and stretching it so could you imagine one day Jeff Bezos has his card refused at the marriot or peckerhead zucker having his billion yacht siezed - as for nonce gates - we dont have to worry about him no more ex wife will fuck him up enoughid like to hope!-))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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