MUST WATCH ! Incorruptible experts sound the alarm but are being silenced and persecuted.
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2 years ago


⁣The mRNA vaccination is not an act of love but an act of Satanism.
The solution – saving penance (epitimia).

Incorruptible experts sound the alarm to warn people against getting vaccinated, but they are being silenced and persecuted.

Vaccine from the ethical point of view

If the vaccine is ethically judged on the basis of deceitful statements of treacherous doctors, it cannot be ethical but unethical and criminal.

Pseudo Pope Bergoglio is a frightening example of unethical and criminal conduct. He boycotts true experts and absurdly claims that the experimental vaccination is an act of love. In fact, it is an act of Satanism. His evil lies lead to earthly genocide and eternal death. He commits a crime not only against humanity but also against God. One must know it! Francis Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope. He has excluded himself from the Church because of his multiple apostasy (Gal 1:8-9).

Satanic antibaptism

The production of the vaccine involved a bloody satanic ritual killing of a child victim. Therefore, by receiving the mRNA vaccine one undergoes satanic antibaptism. In addition, the vaccine contains nanoparticles designed to digitize humans, which makes it part of the chipping process. Chipization deprives man of free will, and hence of the ability to repent. The Bible therefore warns against it, speaking about eternal punishment (Rev 14:9-11) and the lake of fire (Rev 19:20).

These days, people are under extreme pressure to get vaccinated. People are now divided into the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

1) The prospects for the vaccinated:

In terms of health, the vaccinated will develop serious diseases. Graphene hydroxide and genetic serum in the blood cause unpredictable body reactions, inflammation of the heart muscle, blood vessels, or kidneys, blood clots, central nervous system disorders, accelerated cancer or death due to the vaccine. In spiritual terms, vaccine antibaptism and gradual chipization lead to the loss of eternal life.

2) The prospects for those who have rejected the vaccine:

The unvaccinated are likely to face persecution, imprisonment, or perhaps a martyr’s death. But those who will remain faithful to the truth will save their eternal life! Moreover, by rejecting the vaccine they will save not only their health but many even their earthly life.

The position of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate as the voice of one crying in the wilderness

It is no solution for the vaccinated to fall into despair after knowing the truth. The solution for them is to repent in seven years of epitimia.

All who have received the vaccine must admit repentantly that because they refused to search for and love the truth, they were deceived. They must repent for receiving satanic antibaptism and hence bringing on themselves an anathema – curse (Gal 1:8-9). They must make a clear decision not to take another vaccine. They need to confess their guilt to God and apply seven-year epitimia for the healing of the soul.

Epitimia is an ancient penitential practice in the Church. The priests and bishops who have committed a grievous sin by promoting the vaccine, as well as doctors, politicians or other pro-vaccine agitators, are subject to seven-year epitimia. Those who have become their innocent victim and have been deceived into receiving the vaccine are subject to a partial epitimia of three and a half years. However, if the deceived persuaded others into getting vaccinated, they are subject to seven-year epitimia.

As might be expected, many will not complete the seven-year epitimia. Apparently, if they were not given a placebo, they will die sooner. But once they have started applying the epitimia, repentance is accounted to them even if death interrupts it. The penitent receives forgiveness and eternal life.

The order of epitimia:

The first thing is to dedicate some space in the house or flat for undisturbed prayer. We need a place and we need order to start the epitimia. As for prayer, in addition to well-known prayers such as the Way of the Cross, the Rosary, etc., we also provide instructions for interior prayer, which are available on our website, for example the Last Seven Words from the Cross (

1) The first point in the order of epitimia is to set aside a daily tithe of time – i.e. two and a half hours – for God and hence for one’s own soul. Pensioners pray four hours daily. One can save time by abstaining from television and radio, by radically limiting the use of the internet and mobile phone or the reading of magazines.

2) Fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, with the exception of the seriously ill.

3) A Catholic must not receive Holy Communion during the period of epitimia. A bishop or priest must not administer the sacraments. The clergy should undergo a stricter penance (epitimia), preferably in a monastery.

4) The penitents shall spend one day in a month as a day of penitence – Fatima Saturday, so-called new moon. They should devote at least four hours to prayer; they can again use the proven prayer guides from our website ( A community of 3 to 10 men or women shall gather once a month and choose one of them to be responsible for keeping with the penitent Saturday schedule. It would be useful to devote one of the four hours of prayer to confessing aloud their offences against the order of epitimia committed during the month, e.g. oversleeping the prayer watch, neglecting to pray at a fixed time on a particular day, etc.

Apart from prayer, they may devote time to spiritual reading or Bible study on death, God’s judgment, eternity, the forgiveness of sins through the Blood of Christ. After reading they can discuss together, reflecting on how to put the given truths into practice.

5) The penitents shall celebrate Sunday by devoting at least four hours to prayer (,,,, and the remaining time to Scripture and testimonies of a life of faith. Attendance of Mass celebrated by a pro-vaccine agitator would be to the detriment of the soul. This applies to a Catholic, Orthodox or other Christian.

6) The penitent shall join prayer watches. He shall pray at an appointed hour every fourth week (see Apart from that, he shall pray the so-called Holy Hour daily from 8 to 9pm. At 9pm, he shall receive a blessing bestowed by some bishops or priests at that hour.

7) The penitent shall observe short prayer stops seven times a day (cf. Ps 119:164), specifically when getting up, and then around 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, and before bedtime (see It is an application of both the Christian and Old-Testament tradition.
The purpose of epitimia is to save the soul and gradually heal it. It should help the penitent break with the spirit of the world and the spirit of lies and receive the Spirit of truth. Those who reject the saving penance (epitimia) demonstrate that they do not care about the salvation of their immortal soul and blindly walk along the broad way leading to eternal destruction. Jesus says to you: “Be ready, for you know neither the day nor the hour of your death.”
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