Can You Really Catch The Flu? (Must Watch)
Mirrored From Brendan Murphy, ⁣

Under the aegis of the Infectious Myth, it is a banal truism of modern culture (and medicine) that you can. However, modern culture is anything BUT fallible and, in fact, nurtures many different acceptable - even politically correct - illusions.

What if intimate experiments designed to supposedly guarantee transmission from flu patients to healthy people failed - but no one knew? The ramifications of this kind of data are paradigm-shaking and far-reaching.

Everyone knows of the "Spanish Flu", but few people dig beneath the superficial pseudo-history to get to the roots of the legend. What did it have to do with Spanish people, if anything?

Were all cases of "flu" really the flu? Could some - or many - have been OTHER conditions misclassified as influenza, just as 2020 has seen many deaths and illnesses falsely attributed to the unproved SARS-CoV-2 "virus" and "covid-19"?

This episode reveals the truth about flu - and the so-called Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, including the true causes, the fraud, the iatrogenic contribution, and more.
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