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5 Views - Published on 04 Nov, 2021
so gotta going on and send another tune to the server. Made with bits and bytes, the digital fourth revolution and coming from mp3 to get an mp4. Well it has been once again the lmms, audacity, openshot or kdenllive to make this with gimp and some blender, all linux to tell you that. And the tune itself is ours...because of the usage of watermarks....we have been on a video hoster who complained about those watermarks but it is our work that is what it says...and here comes the reason we are not found on any social media, because there are too many around....we started a fundraisng campaign about a year ago, 4 people as social manager, all using a smartphone, hundreds of hand picked sponsors and even more hundreds or tousand reply at all. We stopped the campaign and we don't se a point in using more than 140 different social media accounts, so lets go on like is for your ears, you enjoy or not, you can recommend us, forward it...or if you want, leave a comment.


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