Right Now

Right Now with Gareth Icke - Friday 8th July - Part 2 - Canadian Journalist Eva Bartlett

697 Views - Published on 09 Jul, 2022
⁣Right Now with Gareth Icke - Friday 8th July
This week on Right Now: Gareth speaks with the Leader of the Reclaim Party Laurence Fox about his new documentary 'Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children' which covers the current jaw-dropping sex education topics taught in UK schools. Canadian Journalist Eva Bartlett reports from Moscow about her recent investigative trips to Ukraine and the extremely cruel and inhumane tactics the western funded Ukrainian military are using on their own citizens. CEO of Govvi Lance Conrad talks to us about his new fuel catalyst tablet, which extends the mileage in your tank by safely causing the fuel to burn more efficiently. And finally, we catch up with Campaigner Julie James about her fight for an enquiry into Aintree Hospital's use of the Liverpool Care Pathway abuses that caused the death of her father and many others.


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