⁣USA WAR MACHINE obviously think the rest of the world are Cuntz and no respect for human kind cos c

377 Views - Published on 10 Jul, 2021
⁣⁣I thought yanks, have massacred millions of humans and caused
our children to commit todeath in the worst possible way fact as slow
and prolonged torturestarvation pangs aint fuckin a quick death thats
for sure, - But all in the name of circumventing other nations in
acquiring Weapons OfMass Destruction - Well its ok when they want to
RIGHT or FUCKINWRONG?-((( ⁣USA WAR MACHINE obviously think the rest of the world are
Cuntz and no respect for human kind cos check this update!-)))
theres an hilarious BUT CRAZY ending promise!-)))

Courtesy of Hon. LeeNatAndNao


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