MP Charles Walker Outraged. Arrest of an elderly lady Aged 74, EVENT 201 A GLOBAL PANDEMIC EXORCISE AGENDA 21 AGENDA 30 NEW WORLD ORDER FRAUD LIE HOAX DCEPTION COVID 19 CORRONAVIRUS DESIESE FAUCI BILL & MELINDA GATES VACCINES FLU SHOT h1n1 oh my god boris johnson matt hancock 2 meters face masks bubbles face coverings itv bbc sky chemtrails vernon coleman globalists awakening DROCONIAN imagination cruel evil world health organisation world economic forum Klaus Schwab major cyberattack power kill grid mass murder genocide killing sychopath PSYCHOPATH slow kill thema 5G

MP Charles Walker Outraged. Arrest of an elderly lady Aged 78 COVID NAZI 19 )

151 Views - Published on 25 Nov, 2020
⁣MP Sir Charles Walker lambasts met police today as they bundle an elderly lady into a van for peacefully protesting about her rights being taking away because of the "pandemic". Plandemic. Covid19. Has no one worled it out yet, it's beyond a virus.


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