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Candace Owens challenges Biden’s paid puppet Cardi B

85 Views - Published on 11 Sep, 2020
⁣It’s obvious to anyone that Cardi B is a paid Democrat puppet, brought into the election campaign for one reason only: Access to her 75 million followers - that most likely are as uneducated on facts as Cardi B herself. Given the nature of her music and content - that is a pretty safe bet, wouldn’t you say?

The last couple of days a little battle has been going on between Candace Owens and Cardi B - who’s been using the live & story functions on social media to address different issues.

Cardi B claims President Donald J. Trump is using Candace Owens. Listen to Owens Andreas that claim.

Candace talks about the Joe Biden political record; his modus operandi thru decades of being a politician. She challenges Cardi B to have an actual conversation with a black conservative.


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