Variants Named After Brain Waves?
3 years ago
The COVID Variants are all named after Brain Waves. Alpha, Delta, Beta and Gamma. There is a fifth brain wave too Theta. Brain waves all have different functions and effect the human body, from relaxed to fight or flight!
Are the variants actually the manipulated brain frequencies being used on the public?
In the UK we have had Alpha and Delta. Both relaxed and subdued brain states (brain fog, long covid) but in South Africa they have Beta (beta brain wave) which is a high state of alert! Staying in the Beta wave for too long without retreating to Alpha or Delta causes psychosis, anixety, irritibilty and violence! And Africa are currently rioting... is that why?
Would we even suspect this of Africa? Africa always riot, right?
The Delta is apparently more transmissable... more people are vaccinated that is why... they are being hit with the delta frequency.
I am interested to know if anyone else thinks this could be what we are seeing.
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