Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Dangers 360 x 640
3 years ago
⁣On September 27, 2014 Mt Ontake, about 130 miles west of Tokyo, erupted without warning, catching volcanologists and hikers by surprise, killing 57 people.

Yellowstone National Park lies on top of a magma chamber that is 35-miles wide and 55-miles long. The supervolcano is active and in danger of eruption.

⁣Many are asking if they are safe in the place they live in the USA. If Yellowstone erupts and you live anywhere in North America you are most likely not safe. Why? On the North American continent there are over one hundred nuclear power plants. When Yellowstone erupts and covers most of the U.S. with ash, as well as sending ash into the ionosphere around the world, the electric grid will go down and so will all commerce. These old nuclear power plants will melt down. Look at the damage that the Fukushima nuclear power plant has done and still is doing. If there is even a nuclear war (WWIII), all it would take is a couple nukes to hit Yellowstone and cause it to erupt. Russia and China know this. My recommendation is to leave North America if you can; you have a better chance of surviving.
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