David Icke Unite For Freedom Speech London 29 August 2020
4 years ago
Over TEN THOUSAND disbelievers gathered in London to protest over the COVID19 hoax.
Hopefully the first of many gatherings in this country to overthrow the sheer stupidness of the UKs so called government.
David Icke blasts some real home truths.
The human race really does need to get off it's knees or LET ME PUT IT BLUNTLY..... YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD!
This last six months is just the start of it!
I work with nearly four hundred people in Birmingham and carry thousands of passengers a day. I worked through the LOCKDOWN.
How many of my fellow workers (IN A HOTSPOT) have had this virus? NONE.
How many people in my close friends and family have had this virus? NONE.
How many people in my not so close friends and family have had this virus? NONE.
Ask yourself the question..... I can tell you the answer... NONE!
LOCKDOWN didn't save lives it COST jobs, ⁣livelihoods, ⁣marriages, friendships, relationships...... SHALL I GO ON!
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