Outrage against Blair's knighthood: A tattoo across his forehead reading “Iraq”, such is his le
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2 years ago
⁣Furious veterans called for the honours system to be overhauled as a petition demanding Tony Blair be stripped of his knighthood exceeded half a million. A four-day-old petition on Change.org has grown at a near record rate to 600,000 signatures.

Soldiers are outraged that the former prime minister received the top gong after leading the UK into Iraq.

The 2016 Iraq inquiry found Sir Tony presented the case for war with 'a certainty which was not justified' based on 'flawed' intelligence on Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction'.

However it will not be debated by MPs because honours are a matter for the Queen and not ministers. Similar petitions on Parliament's official website have been denied for the same reason.

The ex-Prime Minister has long faced criticism for sending troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, a decision which culminated in a devastating report by Sir John Chilcot in 2016 which found he overplayed evidence.

The anger against Tony Blair's knighthood is growing as more than half a million people have signed a petition. Some online users even make reference to the "tattoo across his forehead reading Iraq" remark made by Pete Wishart MP in the Commons, back in 2016.
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