British MEd Jounal fimdings for pubic health on Covid19 vaccination in children, evidence,ethics and
3 years ago
GET ALL YOUR STATS/DATA/MEDICAL findngs for vaccinating our Children - This Webinar is all the latest findings the DIRTY GOV use for DMaking was for the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and pubic health aired on 10th SEpt 2021 - its fuckin too long ive managed the first hour and their confessions in their data if accurate is nothing like we are being told obviously, too many to hihjlight and why are we in collaboration with DIRTY NWO Aus feeding them sensitive materials about our children and oursleves for their research?????????????????????????????? breach of security already and they reckon theyve managed to poison a good percentage of 12 - 18 year olds already - WTF - use at your peril cos its longggg but the info is there -
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