4 years ago
⁣Greater Manchester Police has committed to placing 20 officers in schools in the year 2020/2021. It is the belief of us, here at ELAVI
TRUTH TV, that the situation with Manchester schools is nothing more than a low-level pilot scheme that will be interventionally rolled out

What are the implications of these measures for the children in these schools? Can education and policing go hand in hand and why has our society come to the point where police are needed in schools? There are many questions that need answering with regard to this new and worrying development. However, there are other questions to do with the police themselves that no one seems to be addressing. In recent years
we have seen the shocking rise of police officers, of all levels, being convicted of serious and hideous crimes. Although, many of these
convictions do receive some coverage from the media.... such as the case of Cheshire Constabulary PC, Ian Naude. This “committed paedophile" was found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court of raping the teenager and jailed
for 25 years.
The widespread criminal activity of the police is not being raised in the mainstream media because, if it were known, the public would lose
confidence in an already troubled police force. ELAVI TRUTH TV reveals that the police forces cannot (or will not)
‘police’ the evil that is taking place within its own ranks and this being the case poses this question.... ‘Can we, as a society, allow
this unknown quantity to have access to our children?’

Our children are our most precious commodity and the idea of the police is to protect and serve..... or at least it should be; but, if police
officers are abusing their powers on an unprecedented scale, how then can we, as a society, put our children at risk?

These questions cannot be answered by ELAVI TRUTH TV. Only parents who can recognize the hidden threats can answer these most important questions.
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