The Intentional Destruction of the United States of America
There's been a long standing evil agenda to destroy the United States of America from the inside out, over a century in the making. A toxic cancer, ⁣infiltrating and infecting merely every aspect of traditional American society, to re-write history, destroy the nuclear family and family values altogether, remove Christianity, remove Capitalism, replacing it with 'Socialism' (Communism), abolish the US Constitution along with the 2nd Amendment and disarming all American Citizens, stripping them of their power, freedom and liberties, all to reign in a One World Communist Government, ie the New World Order. This cancer's successfully and effectively infiltrated the Mainstream Media Complex, creating a Liberal dominated monopuly, replacing 'The News' with 'Fake News' and Propaganda, forming their own nefarious narrative to decieve Americans into accepting a false perception of reality, coercing them like cattle into supporting a nefarious and dangerous, evil agenda. Silicon Valley's Big Tech industry has created a monopoly over all popular and most widely used Social Media from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Through tagging posts with phony 'Fake News' or 'False Information' banners, banning, shadow-banning, deleting users posts and accounts, merely controlling the information you're allowed to see. They're suppressing the Truth, Christian Religion, Repulblican, Conservative, Pro-American, Pro-American, Pro-Donald Trump, QAnon, Anti-Vaccination, Covid-19, Doctors and Medical Experts questioning or exposing the 'Plandemic', advocating or supporting the use of ⁣ Hydroxychloroquine, etc. They infiltrated Big Pharma, weaponizing medicine into life threatening, health imparing vaccinations, life long addictions, suppressing cheap, effective cures replaced with less effective products to yeild higher cash returns. They've destroyed the Public School Systems, from banning prayer, no longer reciting the 'Pledge of Allegiance', adopting 'Core Curriculum Standards', removing History and Social Studies altogether if not replacing it with a false History, projecting the United States of America having a very dark, evil History of Genocide, Slavery, Destruction, Hate and Racial Inequality, for instance 'The 1916 Project'. Instead of teaching children to love and be proud of their Country, they teach them to hate it. Instead of embracing Capitalism, work ethics, and all the great American values supporting it, instead they advocate against it, demonizing it, replacing it with Liberal Socialist, Communist and Marxist, Anti-American ideology. Their destructive agenda is currently fighting to remove School of Choice, Charter Schools, and Christian Schools altogether to ensure every child is inundated with these terrible, radical Anti-American ideologies. They begin pushing this 'education' (brainwashing) as soon as Kindegarten and ratchen it up in intensity throughout College.
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