Covid 19 SCAM & 5G Information NOT mentioned by the Elite's Controlled Alternative Media- p
3 years ago
Info that the poplar alternative media don't tell you about because their handler's don't want you to know too much- That might cause you to think more into directions they will have difficulty in controlling- My videos do provoke thought--
Sub and share this info and there's much more to add with other videos- This Scamdemic and 5G is deeper than you perceive to realize- gwt
You may contact me at; [email protected], or text me your email and tell me what you requect from my files- 541 295-0769----- I must say; I'm not BS-n anybody- I got the 'studing & analyzing hours & Days & Weeks, & the Months & Years of devotion to what I lay out on you so use your head and listen to what I present to you- I am human, and can make a mis-quote, mistake in numbers, dates and pronounciations, but I'm a serious truther and a devoted researcher so don't look down in any way on my intellect and acumulated knowledge- LOL and my spelling is bad and my spell-check want's you to notice---------- 00143
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