How to Build Muscle, According to Science
2 years ago
⁣Your muscles change a lot over the course of your life. In this episode, Patrick breaks down everything you need to know about how muscles form, grow, and how to stay strong later in life.

While some aspects of aging are hard to picture and are the topic of ongoing research, one that we know quite a bit about is muscle.

But muscle is complex. Not only is it always adapting to how we use it, our muscle also changes multiple times over the course of our lives.

Today, we’ll learn about how our muscles change from the time we’re just a fetus, to our last mortal moments. There are three types of muscle: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle.

As you might’ve guessed, cardiac muscle exists in our hearts. Smooth muscle can be found around our blood vessels and certain organs. And finally, skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that lets you move your body, and it is also the focus of this episode.

Skeletal muscle is the most massive group of tissue in your body accounting for about forty percent of your body weight, so where does it come from?

Find out the answer and more in this Human.

#muscle #buildmuscle #body #fitness #seeker #physiology #humanseries #human

Read More:
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about muscles
“Muscles form when specialized long and tubular cells, known as myocytes, band together in a process called myogenesis. These fibers are distributed throughout our bodies and come in many different shapes, sizes, and forms.”

How to Fight Sarcopenia
“Sarcopenia, also known as muscle loss, is a common condition that affects 10% of adults who are over 50 years old. While it can decrease life expectancy and quality of life, there are actions you can take to prevent and even reverse the condition.”

What is muscle atrophy?
“There are three types of muscle atrophy: physiologic, pathologic, and neurogenic. Physiologic atrophy is caused by not using the muscles enough. This type of atrophy can often be reversed with exercise and better nutrition.”
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