The Game of Life: Winners Never Cheat, Cheaters Never Win November 26 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, and its Sabian symbol refers to a game of cricket. The significance of cricket, as opposed to other games, is that there are specific rules that must be followed by each team, rules to ensure that integrity and honesty are followed. It is known as the “gentleman’s game”. This symbol is analogous to the game of life, where it seems as though honesty is not as highly regarded or rewarded. One is able to see through the illusions of “polite society”, and sometimes must endure initial sacrifices, but in the end it is honesty and integrity that win the game. In this chart the moon occupies 27 Aries, and refers to a large audience. This symbol describes the notion of needing an audience’s approval or feedback, and having to adjust certain expectations when things don’t unfold in the way that we expected. As it relates to the Sun’s symbol, it could also refer to making necessary adjustments as one monitors the “other’s” feedback and response in the game of life. Chiron at 5 Aries forms an exact trine to the Sun, and its symbol reads “a square brightly lighted on one side”. This is the symbol that refers to “out of the box” thinking and resolutions that suddenly “light up” seemingly from out of nowhere. Saturn, now at 28 Capricorn forms a trine to Sedna still at 28 Taurus. Saturn’s degree refers to the art of reading tea leaves; using one’s intuition provides insights into the future and guidance for what is needed right now. Sedna’s degree holds the message about two cobblers working in cooperation. This symbol is describing two people bringing their talents together without ego or competition to create better results. As we integrate these messages, the guidance has to do with following certain rules and etiquette, intuition that reveals what’s really going on so that resolutions can be found and proper adjustments may be made, that ultimately ensure success in the game of life by adhering to honesty and an egoless contribution of one’s talents and gifts. #astrology #sound #daily #guidance #recalibrate #astrosound #daily #guidance #truefreedom #newhumanreality #sun #moon #chiron #saturn #sedna
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