A Very Heavy Agenda Part 2 Ukraine War How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The New Neocons 2015
⁣A Very Heavy Agenda Part 2 Ukraine War How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The New Neocons 2015

A Very Heavy Agenda Part 2: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The New Neocons (2015)


After the Cold War, the US-NATO reach expanded significantly to take in most of the old Soviet Union clients in the Warsaw pact. Neoconservative darling Robert Kagan and his diplomat wife Victoria Nuland played key roles inside and out of various administrations and think tanks as they greased the skids for a US-sponsored coup in Ukraine. Part 2 shows the resurrection of old cold warriors from beltway depths to deliver blatant propaganda with techniques reminiscent of a red scare era that had only just faded from memory. US-funded outfits like Radio Free Liberty are pitted against Russia’s RT as each nation accuses the other of waging an ever more desperate and transparent "Information War".
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