You'll Never Guess Whats In These Covaids Swabs
3 years ago
⁣People by now should know that there is something wrong in the world. Even if you believe everything the mainstream news tell you then you at least have noticed the blatant flip-flopping (LYING) and the one-sided arguments with absolutely no proof to support their narrative. If you don't understand that much and can't think for yourself then you are doomed. I am just sharing this info for informational purposes and speculation. Whether true or not you decide but I think a good deal of it has credibility. I have looked into some of it and its terrifying to say the least. Along with the 5G network online I think it is important to try and detox as much of this poison and heavy metal nanoparticles as possible and ASAP before they turn up the heat and potentially fry us all. I personally feel the effects it has on me when I go in town around the 5G death towers.
The most powerful natural detox supplement in my opinion is Pure Zeolite and Royal Detox from
I chose them because it isn't synthetic and its made specifically for human consumption and not industrial use. Also I like zeolite because its proven effective to detox not only the heavy metals but also the radiation isotopes because of its negative ionization which also helps balance the body's PH levels. I hope this info helps but this is not medical advice and I am not qualified to give medical advice.
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