Sheep Farm, Shut The Flock Up Pt1 Fake Sheep (The Asch Conformity Experiment)
3 years ago
⁣Sheep Farm 1, Shut The Flock Up Pt1 Fake Sheep

We are living in very strange & sad times indeed.

I wrote the words to this film quite a few years ago, long before the nonsense we're experiencing now began. I'm not saying I predicted the current draconian situation, (I didn't) and I'm not saying that we had a fantastic way of life before either (we didn't). But for this plan to proceed, the controllers had to have ownership of our mental state and functional abilities.
The facts are very clear to me, we have been and are being manipulated and lied to on such a huge scale, and for most it's unfathomable. This is being done by our very own governments, leading business people. The very people we have been told are here to look after our best interests. But those people in health, law, politics, finance & education, are actually doing the very opposite.
These are not my opinions or my beliefs. It's where the evidence takes you if you follow it with an inquisitive open mind.
Please keep in mind that when someone takes from you they never give it back for free, nor will we get back all of what we had either, there will be a high price to pay for partial regain. The question we should be asking is what price will we have to pay to get back any semblance our our former lives?

So, with that in mind, see you all in the new abnormal, don't beLIEve.

Dom :)

Solomon Asch conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform. Asch (1951) devised what is now regarded as a classic experiment in social psychology, whereby there was an obvious answer to a line judgment task.
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