GOP Senators Blocking Crossfire Hurricane Investigations plus TIP
4 years ago
⁣I’ve been covering the Transition Integrity Project and in that respect last episode we talked about Senate Republicans blocking the subpoenaing of Comey et al... I mused of a possible coordination between Romney and Kamala Harris... It seems that extreme hatred of Trump is forming a new party. They are the old guard. Romney and Clinton McConnell and Gore... The list goes on. These politicians represent the old guard, clinging desperately to power in a time of great change. The Trump effect has helped form the new iteration of conservatism, but I’m hesitant to call it “Trump’s Party.” Although that title could well be argued. The left has yet to make peace with itself. Regardless of the future of political parties in the US, Americans need to take note of these political actors that have shown themselves in recent years. Before Trump, the list of things they agreed on was hidden. War; Climate Change etc. all planned in back room meetings like Bilderberg CFR Bohemian Grove... They’ve been exposed.
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