$1 M Challenge: Have C-19 Vaxx Killed ~ 200K Americans?
2 years ago
⁣MIT alumnus Steve Kirsch delivered public testimony at an FDA open hearing on why COVID vaccines should be immediately halted.The presentation can be viewed, downloaded, and printed here https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/files/have-covid-vaccines-killed-200000-americans/ . Kirsch offers one million dollars to anyone who can disprove his thesis that there are now over 100,000 deaths of Americans caused by the COVID vaccines in a moderated discussion with a neutral moderator and platform.Executive summary:CDC, FDA, NIH are spreading misinfo on vax vs. early treatment: Early treatment is being deliberately sabotaged;The data is clear: all the “experts” are wrong about vax safety;Our medical freedoms are being stripped away;Nobody prominent will challenge my conclusions with a better analysis even with large $ incentives;Debates → Government-driven censorship and intimidation;CDC and FDA won’t engage or investigate fraud;Medical recommendations are now being driven by the White House;Vaccines don’t offer an all-cause morbidity or mortality benefit;Geert Vanden Bossche was right: vaccinate mid-pandemic → disaster.



This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video. https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/frontlinenews/1-million-challenge-have-covid-vaccines-killed-200000-americans/

$1 M Challenge: Have C-19 Vaxx Killed ~ 200K Americans?
⁣$1 million challenge Have COVID vaccines killed ~ 200,000 Americans?

Steve Kirsch, $1 M Challenge: Have C-19 Vaxx Killed ~ 200K Americans, October 17 2021.
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