Dr. Zalewksi Finds Another 'Life Form' In Vax Vials
8 K Views
Dr. Franc Zalewski shares his (apparent) discovery of an unknown Aluminum-Carbon based 'life form'
withina Pfizer vaccine vial. This creature, which he dubs 'The Thing', consists of a 20 microns sized
head with three 25mm 'legs' and claims is being hatched out of eggs found in 1 of 3 vials he examined.
The video was originally uploaded to Youtube on his channel here: youtube.com/c/DrFranc
..and then deleted within 3 days after reaching 130k views.
SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lanena/
withina Pfizer vaccine vial. This creature, which he dubs 'The Thing', consists of a 20 microns sized
head with three 25mm 'legs' and claims is being hatched out of eggs found in 1 of 3 vials he examined.
The video was originally uploaded to Youtube on his channel here: youtube.com/c/DrFranc
..and then deleted within 3 days after reaching 130k views.
SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lanena/