Young boy falls to his death trying to escape Buckingham Palace
4 years ago
during changing of the guards outside Buckingham Palace a tourist videoing the event court a little boy dangling from the top floor window naked he makes it to the window below then falls to his death. it has been labelled as fake news because the Palace made several excuses 1. it was photo chopped. how can you photo chop a video plus its clear with no fuzziness around the boy which clearly shows its a true video. 2. because there was no 999 emergency calls made from the palace. since when does the Palace call 999 they have there own emergency team including secret service live in at Buckingham Palace. 3. it was filmed for a tv series. so where are the film crew and all the cabels, lighting, filming equipment and safety equipment. 4. it was one of the princess's guests after she went out drinking the previous night. so why is he jumping to his death naked if he had spent the night with one of the queen's granddaughter's surely he had a good time if that was a true account. ill let you make your own minds up.
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