Abuse from Tina Bardsley to resident at cathedral home
⁣Tina Bardsley (from Grimsby) teased, humiliated, bullied, threatened and abused 78-year-old John Wheatley, who has since passed away. She forced him to hold a sex toy for a picture, and told him he would be castrated.
Bardsley's dementia residents were given the owner's dogs food bowls' to eat their food from. (CQC report). She had taken over from her sister, Maria Gatt (deceased) in August 2018.
Residents at Cathedral Care Home (Lincoln) were regularly forced to sit in their own urine and faeces for several hours.
⁣(1) Carers Want Competence - Posts (facebook.com)

Carers Want Competence have been investigating the abusive, bullying intimidation of a resident under the care of Tina Bardsley and her sister (Maria Gatt) at Cathedral Nursing Home (in Lincoln).
We have it from a reliable source that Maria Gatt (Care home owner) and Emma Bowness (staff member) were present at the time of the abuse. Neither Maria or Emma spoke out during the videos, thereby allowing this abuse to continue.
Resident John Wheatly was cruelly intimidated and bullied. He sadly passed away in November 2019.
A follower of ours contacted the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police, who 'ADMITTED and AGREED that this reached the threshold for prosecution, but refuses to explain why they're not prosecuting'. Head of the 'Vulnerable Persons Unit'
Something isn't right about this, so much more than meets the eye. The notion has crossed my mind as to whether there may be a hint of venality.
It is thought that Maria, (who died July 4th 2020) may have considerable financial assets that would serve better to compensate victims of neglect and abuse.
Tina Bardsley (a nurse) from Grimsby, and a mum-of-two, was suspended from her job and later resigned when the video became public. She attended a voluntary police interview.
Maria as a care provider, has a history of incompetent inadequacy - failing residents as well as staff.
Care Quality Commission were aware of Maria Gatt's shocking failings since 2011 - and yet they continued to allow her to keep registration, despite very clear warnings.
(We're well aware that this is 'speaking ill of the dead' and we apologise to Maria's family (with the exception of Tina) for causing any distress but this should not remain hidden.
(St Philips Care had taken over Cathedral Nursing home after the abuse, and although we have stated that the abuse took place before they took over, they have insinuated threats with legal action if we do not remove our FB post).
We sympathise with any decent staff that do or have worked for St Philps Care, or at the home mentioned - and in no way shape or form implicate any genuine compassionate employees.
Please click on the link to listen to the ridicule and abuse that John was subjected to.(https://www.facebook.com/105096470174380/posts/592568088093880/)
Tina Bardsley (from Grimsby) teased, humiliated, bullied, threatened and abused 78-year-old John Wheatley, who has since passed away. She forced him to hold a sex toy for a picture, and told him he would be castrated.
She abused John at Cathedral Nursing Home in Lincoln when she was the manager. We've been told that her sister (Maria Gatt) and another staff member were also present (Emma Bowness).
Residents with dementia were given the owner's dog bowls to eat from. (CQC report summer 2018).
Bardsley had taken over from her sister, Maria Gatt (recently deceased). Don't like to speak ill of the dead but all you have to do is look at the CQC reports to see a connection in the terrible way that place was run by these sisters.
Residents were regularly forced to sit in their own urine and faeces, left in wet and soiled pads for several hours.
A CQC inspector witnessed Staff at this home talking down to residents - as if they were nothing but pieces of shxt. They treated residents with a lack of dignity and disrespect. They didn't bother to engage, treated them like naughty children.
He also saw a resident coughing up phlegm on their own clothes and choking on it, while fully aware staff ignored the distress. It could even be said that some staff were blatantly hostile to the residents.
One carer said her name and signature was fraudulently written in a log indicating she had bathed and shaved a male resident on a date when it was actually her day off
Residents ignored and left alone while senior staff stood outside smoking and gas-bagging.
Lincolnshire Police refused to take any further action - It was not a CPS decision. Disgusting !!
Detective Inspector David McKean, from Lincolnshire Police's protecting vulnerable people unit, said: “Following our investigation no further action will be taken. In this case following our investigation the evidence available didn’t support a prosecution". Why then, did the Chief Inspector admit to one of our followers, that this DID meet the prosecution threshold???
(I'm certain if his parents were abused he would push for a different outcome).
DI McKean added: "We have been in contact with the victim’s family to explain the decision. Sadly, Mr Wheatley died while our investigation was ongoing. I would like to take this opportunity to pass my condolences on to Mr Wheatley’s family and friends."
The family of Mr Wheatley, who passed away in November 2019, feel let down by the announcement.
John's nephew Stuart Wheatley, said: "We are very saddened and disappointed by the news that the police have decided not to pursue Tina Bardsley and her colleagues involved in the abuse of our uncle.
We strongly believe that justice has NOT been carried out. These people used an elderly and vulnerable man to inflict their cruel, emotional torment onto him over a sustained period of time.
We feel let down, firstly by the people entrusted to care for him and secondly by the organisation responsible for serving justice when this trust was grossly abused.
I’d like to say that THE COMMUNICATION FROM THE POLICE after the initial media interest WAS NON-EXISTENT. (Lincolnshire Police).
It was near IMPOSSIBLE to speak to the officers involved in the investigation" (farce) "to get any kind of progress report.
We are only thankful that after the abuse came to light, our uncle wasn’t overly aware of the situation, which avoided any further distress".
Here is a second link to another abuse video:
The video begins with Bardsley badgering John about what he had said to a woman who had just been to see him.
Tina: "You missed her so much..."
John replied: "I could have eaten her."
Tina: "You could have eaten her? Do you want to eat me?"
John: "No. It's only a matter of saying."
Tina: "Would you like to eat me?"
John: "No I wouldn't."
Tina: "Why not?"
John: "Because I don't want to eat you."
Tina: "Why? I'm nice."
John: "You're what?"
Tina: "I said: 'I'm nice. I'm a nice person."
John: "Oh, you're a nice person are you?"
Tina: "Why wouldn't you want to eat me?
John: "I don't want to eat you."
Tina: "Sing that song about the people."
John: "No."
Tina: sings in her evil voice "I hate people, I hate people."
John: "I'm not singing that song."
Tina: (again in an evil voice" People are despicable creatures. [Speaks] Come on sing it."
John: "No."
Tina: "Jeremy Corbyn says you've got to."
John: "No he did not."
Tina: "Yes he did."
John: "You're a liar."
Tina: "He said you've got to sing it."
John: "No he didn't."
Tina: "Yes he did. He said you have to sing it otherwise he's going to take your stick off you."
John: "You're not taking my stick off me."
Tina: "Yes, he said that and he said that you have gay tendencies and you like to go up men's bums."
John: "I don't have gay tendencies."
Tina: "What about that woman who was in your bed?"
John: "I told her to clear off."
Tina: "Yeah, well, I bet...I did not get told that. I got told that you got into bed with her."
John: "I never."
Tina: "You might have impregnated her."
John: "Don't be stupid."
Tina: "Why?"
John: "I did not touch her."
Tina: "Well she said that you did."
John: "That's a lie."
Tina: "You were making sexual advances towards her."
John: "I did not make advances."
Tina: "Yes you did."
John: "No I didn't."
Tina: "You've got some Bermuda shorts haven't you?"
John: "Hey?"
Tina: [repeats the question]
John: "No I haven't."
Tina: "Yes you have."
John: says he does not wear Bermuda shorts]
Tina: "Ah, I forgot, you like wearing frilly dresses don't you?
John: "No I don't
Tina: "Shall we put a dress on you?"
John: "No I'm not wearing a dress."
Tina: "Why?"
John: "I'm not."
Tina: "A frilly dress."
John: "I'm not wearing a frilly dress."
Tina: "What about frilly knickers?"
R: "I'm not wearing frilly knickers either."
Tina: "What about a bow in your head?"
John: "Hey?"
Tina: "A bow in your head."
John: "I'm not having a bow in my head."
Tina: "A curler in your head."
John: "I'm not wearing a curler in my head."
Tina: "Pass me your stick, I'll get it done up, come on."
John: "No."
Tina: "Pass me the stick."
John: "No."
Tina: "Why?"
John: "I'm not passing you it."
Tina: "Why not?"
John: "Because I'm not giving you it."
Tina threatened to get someone to open the curtains in John's room.
The footage ends with John asking: "Can I go now?"
The bullying abuse is said to have happened before current owner St Philips Care Ltd took over, but yesterday we received an arrogant threat from Senior Management, Paul Farmer sent via Jan Knight.
They're extremely concerned that what happened at Cathedral Care Home is getting attention.
They sacked dedicated care-worker (Shona Sheeran) just for daring to show an article about this to another colleague.
This portrays an arrogant, uncaring and hostile attitude of St Philips Care toward their employees.
We're also concerned about St Philips Care because we've received current concerns sent to us about how this 'care' provider treats staff - and that is ringing alarm bells.
Our way of thinking is that an innocent care provider would not be threatening, they would engage.
What are they trying to hide??
Now if any of the 'dedicated' staff are so distressed at this post, will they speak out? Or are they so 'Dedicated' that they allow St Philips Care alias Ideal Carehomes to silence them?
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