⁣Dutch Leader Stuns Parliament | Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot
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Dutch leader, Thierry Baudet called out a prophetic pandemic scenario from a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Report that mirrors many tyrannical moves from governments playing out today on a global scale. June 5, 2021

The Rockefeller Foundation rivals George Soros’ Open Society Foundations for their “investments” in radical left organizations bent on destroying Western Civilization. In 2016, the organization boasted a 4.1 billion endowment. According to their website, ( https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/about-us/our-history/ ) they have given “$17 billion in current dollars to support thousands of organizations and individuals worldwide.”In a scenario from the Rockefeller Foundation report (See Page 18 of the embedded document), “National leaders all over the world would strengthen their power with laws, rules, and restrictions, from the requirement to wear masks to body temperature checks on entering train stations, planes, buildings….” Baudet stated.


Dutch Leader Stuns Parliament - Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot (Video) Renee Nal June 5, 2021
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⁣⁣Dutch Leader Stuns Parliament | Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot

⁣Thierry Baudet, ⁣⁣Dutch Leader, Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot.

⁣Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation!
Chairperson, in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the most influential NGOs in the world, developed a number of scenarios for the future of technology and international development.

This report. And in this report, the Rockefeller Foundation describes the so-called “Lock Step Scenario” on the coming of a world-wide pandemic and its aftermath. Already in 2010.

According to this scenario — and I have it here with me — the Chinese would be the first to begin with “required quarantine for all citizens” — that’s a quote — and immediate and almost hermetic closing off of all borders.

National leaders all over the world would strengthen their power with laws, rules , and restrictions, from the requirement to wear masks to body temperature checks on entering train stations, planes, buildings. It all comes in here. But it doesn’t even stop there.

According to Scenario Lock Step, we have a lot more to look forward to: “Even after the pandemic was over,” the researchers write, “the authoritarian control would remain, with supervision of the citizens and their activities, and would even be intensified.” In this report from 2010, even climate lockdowns are hinted at.

Precisely what they are already beginning to talk about in our time. I quote: “To protect oneself against increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and increasing poverty, leaders all over the world will increase their grip on power.” And the report also predicts well how citizens would react to all the regulations.

Sorry, I say. Just as now, people shout with joy when they are vaccinated, photos of their injected arm on social media — it is all in this report — and they beg for a Corona passport, the Lock Step Scenario writers predict, just as I said. The more controlled world thus finds, so they predicted in 2010, much acceptance among the people. Citizens voluntarily gave up part of their sovereignty — and their privacy — in exchange for more safety and stability.

Citizens were more tolerant and even eager to get more top-down steering and supervision. National leaders had more freedom to enforce order in ways they themselves saw fit.

That this would lead to a digital passport, the authors of the Rockefeller Foundation report had also foreseen. In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation was not able to literally predict the current technological state of things, but they thought then that sharpened supervision would lead to a biometric ID for all citizens. And it is now in our paper passports. The digital vaccination passport is just a supplement.

Just 13 years after the pandemic, the public would, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, realize they have been cheated, had enough of the controls and the absurd power fantasies of the masters.

And Chairperson, I still hope that the Rockefeller Foundation is wrong on that point.
All of their forecasts have come true, but I hope that here they are really wrong, that a point comes that we wake up.

That we realize that this is a collective psychosis that the locking up of our country, of half the world, lasting a year and a half because of a flu variant, is madness. That we run around with the BS — non-functional masks, that we abide by the completely nonsensical distance regulations. And see our businesses, our social life go to pieces.

That we with great, first-line medicines like Ivermectin, Tegenhouden, only accelerate experimental injections to the status of “authorized vaccine” that can be given.That we chatter over, “Oh, the infection will come back,” while this past year naturally, it also happened, just as it happens every year, just as, naturally, that with autumn, comes the new infection, just like always happens.

And we pretend that it is because of Corona while what we earlier called the flu, would seem to have completely disappeared.But it is most important, and these will be my closing words, that we realize that with a pretext, one or another hysteria over this Chinese flu, an infrastructure has been put together that in any arbitrary moment, because of any arbitrary event, the authority can be applied again. Lockdowns, masks, keeping distance, no more travel, no more hand shaking, allowing absurd experimental injections.

This Corona period was an obedience training. The Tweede Kamer and the Rutte government have carried out this training brilliantly. Congratulations.Klaus Schwab can be proud of you. The globalist plan can find the passageway, and the next step toward mass surveillance and total control can be set. —Thank you.
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