Unmasked murder program - Sasek defuses trap in original text - in front of 3sat! | www.kla.tv/17565
3 years ago
⁣Despite 100 frontal attacks by the mainstream media, from January to October alone, Ivo Sasek unbitterly answers explosive questions of 3sat-Kulturzeit - and in doing so reveals a time bomb that has been ticking for 2,000 years - sharpened for the day when mankind wants to come of age. Spread this knowledge to all those who care about peace and freedom - a bloodbath that has been declared inescapable up to now can and is to be prevented. - ⁣www.kla.tv/17565

⁣Hello Mr. Riha, I am responding to your inquiry dated October 2nd, 2020 with your request for an interview for KULTURZEIT/3sat. First of all, I have a preliminary remark: You approach me with true courtesy, with promised fairness, and with a warm heart. This is a pleasant change after over 100 media attacks against me this year alone. If you really do what you say, you are the laudable exception. If a meeting between us still cannot take place now, it has nothing to do with my general disappointment with the mainstream press which you have realized. I am simply booked out with regards to time and energy, due to my many tasks. I am sure you can understand that. However, because I trust you, I will nevertheless answer your questions in this way, so that you can insert them 1:1 into your program. As far as your questions about the witnessed worldwide Corona deception are concerned, I do not need to repeat what all kinds of top-class professors in the field of medicine, microbiology etc., or in particular the highest ranking luminaries of virology etc. have already said on Kla.TV. I expressly insist on a worldwide publication of these opposing voices of experts and I will not allow myself to be instrumentalized, to open up a side show on the basis of my own statements and thereby distract from the actual urgent concern of these luminaries and their statements.

That the official churches you mentioned essentially represent the government line is, of course, just as logical and clear as, for example, the persecution of pastors and priests when they appear at demonstrations or anywhere on the Internet. Moreover, in fact, every person without exception, is treated in the same way as soon as they express even the slightest doubt or dissatisfaction with the corona policy as it is currently being implemented. Anyone who in the face of these developments, still denies that our democracy and freedom of speech has fallen victim to a radical sectarian dictatorship is simply spreading blind damp dreams. You ask where I see the role of Christianity in this global scenario. You know, such a question cannot be answered satisfactorily in a long conversation and certainly not in a short interview.

However, I have outlined detailed answers to this question in my three-part Kla.TV speech "The dawn of the new world". If you do not have enough time to watch all three parts, please watch at least part 1, then you will have a rough idea of what I am talking about. However, we are moving between two worlds that are so far away from each other that we cannot go any further. You can also call these two worlds, theory and practice. What a Christianity should do and what it is actually doing, therefore, has almost nothing to do with each other. What it should be doing, has unfortunately been sinking systematically into a sea of errors, false teachings and ignorance for 2,000 years. I have written about 30 books on the subject and have already given around 2 000 lectures. So even that cannot simply be wrapped up in an interview without any harm. It seems to me, however, that this explosive world situation favors one thing. I would like to say a few things about it: I think that this crisis gives the lost Christianity a real new chance to resurrect from its death and to finally understand or preserve the divine organism in all people on this earth. I think this new era has the potential to dissolve millennia-old knots of merciless division and legality and to awaken the loving sense of belonging between all people. However, not only will every degenerate Christianity have to die at last, but so will every other degenerate religion that is frozen in spiritual death. Moreover, all previous political, economic, educational and other systems are currently also undergoing a historically-ontic change of direction. Ontic means: independent of human beings, supernatural, in accordance with creation.

All current tensions are therefore condensed into one frightening question. Namely, this one: Will this supernatural turnaround go down in history as the victory of non-violent wisdom and love or will it result in another bloody epic? This bloody epic must be seen through to see how it comes about. I will now go into more detail in my last part. Not only the Christians, but every kind of human being who is critical and freedom-loving has been prepared for 2,000 years with falsified Bible passages for their inevitable martyrdom during this time. What is martyrdom? It is shedding of blood. If what I am about to say and declare now is not prevented, there will be bloodshed against Christianity, against freedom-loving people. You know the meaning of the number 666, 6-6-6, I am quite sure of it. Up to now, it means certain death for all those who would not bow to the prophesied pharmaceutical, literally pharmaceutical world dictatorship. This is what it says in the original texts of the Bible. For all those unfamiliar with the Bible, I will once again mention the meaning of the images from Revelation 13 by name and briefly point out the deadly falsifications. Verses 16-18 describe how an unscrupulous world dictatorship of pharmaceuticals suddenly emerges from the sea of nations, forcing everyone to accept a mark (literally charagma) engraved in the skin, on the hand or forehead, namely, from the smallest to the greatest, from the poorest to the richest, from the free man to the odd-job man; while no one is allowed to linger or negotiate in public places. - For 2,000 years it has been standing literally in the original text. Only those who accept their identification marks to be engraved in their hands would still be able to buy and sell. All the insubordinate ones, on the other hand - and here it comes, are going to be sanctioned, excluded and finally have to suffer martyrdom. All this was wrongly translated in the indicative. What does this mean? It means the grammatical form of reality, the indicative form points to a form of the verb that indicates a fact. That is why this prophecy until now, meant that there is no escape, because everything must inevitably come to pass. So, a bloodbath must come, that is what it means. However, that is exactly where the paralysing falsification lies. In truth, this Big-Pharma-Intention is not written in the indicative, but in the subjunctive, that is, in the mere form of wish or possibility. So the entire power does not lie with the mercilessly emerging world dictatorship, but solely with the people, who in the same texts are conjured up to absolute resistance. The people give the dictatorship its power. The dictatorship has no power of its own except the power that is given to it. The events of our days are described there with the minutest detail: Big-Pharma wants to give the whole of mankind a charagma, and in German that means - I will now briefly interpret the Greek text. There are three meanings of charagma: The 1st meaning is a stab through a metallic object into the skin. The 2nd meaning means a kind of stamp, with which something is engraved or etched into the skin. The 3rd meaning means a characteristic identification feature that is inserted into the skin in the form of an image. In other words, 2,000 years ago the Greek language already described in detail what a degenerate science and politics was aiming at with all mankind, and what means they were going to use to achieve this. However, as true as these prophecies are not in the form of reality, but are formulated as mere form stating a wish, so must the whole of humanity now truly orientate itself to God's 2,000-year warning and must not bow to this diabolical wishful thinking! What I am saying now is very important : The Greek subjunctive, i.e. the form stating the possibility in the Greek language has a slightly different meaning from the German. In German a form stating a wish is a wish form, it remains a wish. In the Greek, a subjunctive, a form stating a wish or a possibility form means something deeper, it means that it will definitely happen if you do not do anything about it. So, if it is recognized in the subjunctive now, it means that it will not happen if you do something about it. It is the condition that annuls this subjunctive. If we do nothing, it will definitely happen. This is what the Greek subjunctive says. However, I am firmly convinced that the subjunctive, which has been suppressed for 2,000 years, will be asserted in the just mentioned texts as a new consciousness, because they correspond to the coming reality and no matter how hard the suppression may be, it cannot prevent the divinely offered course. I repeat once again: the original Greek texts have always said that "Big Pharma" (literally so in Greek) will indeed seize world power for a short time and actually intends to dominate all human beings "by piercing under the skin" (so literally), to number, register, characterize etc. ... However, that's just it: Big-Pharma just wants that! It does not say that it will therefore finally succeed in sanctioning (and what will succeed?), excluding and ultimately killing all those who think differently or unconventionally from the business world. Namely, all those who have refused her stabbing-sign (literally charagma). Neither Christianity nor any other unconventional thinkers have ever been prophetically "sentenced to death by inevitable martyrdom", as pulpit orators of all colors have proclaimed for 2,000 years. The original texts, however, actually call upon the humanity tormented by Big Pharma to suffer martyrdom rather than to follow their vaccination and chip insertion programs. Why is that? Quite simply because the torments resulting from submission to forced vaccinations, for example, or from forced insertion of the chip under these fascist dictators and the like, would be far worse than any form of martyrdom. However, every longed-for freedom must be seized at the price of absolute resistance, that is what the Holy Scriptures say. The ultimate resistance is therefore commanded as the only viable path to freedom. The overcoming of this prophesied world domination, which has been prophesied about, which is just about to break out in our days, is to take place on the path of an ontically navigated process of restoration. In other words: a worldwide resistance is to be created in ways that are incomprehensible and uncontrollable for humans - the total refusal to obey as demanded by the Bible leads to the activation of that divine original force that has been waiting for 2,000 years to take shape at us, in us and through us. It is written that this ontic power has a matrix-like effect through all those who resist, until everything is rearranged under their synergy, until maltreated humanity knows that it is once again protected by its heart, and that it leads to an unprecedented joy of life. So that is it, Mr Riha, from 3sat - CULTURAL TIME. You wrote to me that a society only lives if it listens to each other. In the hope that you will do this yourself and pass on what you have just heard to the wider society, I bless you warmly. I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 43 years.
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