SOFT KILL AGENDA - Wear the Mark // free download links
4 years ago
⁣All that's left are facebook memories of a life you used to know
When tyranny becomes the law, end game begins to show
Prisoners of our own devices in this track and trace game
They say this is just the beginning and you are to blame
The windows man is now chief scientist, who's running the show?
Rules that aren't rules, prompting compliance, the new low!
False claims from folly science, humans are just filth
This is what they've got you believing, game plan; to disinfect your soul
Wear the mark, wear the mask
Wear the mark of the devil if you want to shop here again
Wear the mask, wear the mark
Wear the mark of the devil or your treatment may end
Wear the mark, wear the mask
Wear the mark of the devil masquerading as your friend
Wear the mask, wear the mark
Wear the mark of the devil
Where will all of this end?
Their game is to grind you down, they're laughing in your face
Decades of hard won rights disappear without a trace
First the mask and then the vaccine, Alter your very being
Easy now to see how did prosper, the nazi regime.

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