JFK, Freedom

Watch President John F Kennedy

655 Views - Published on 24 Jul, 2021
⁣Democracy, what does it mean? Look it up, we have left that definition.

True freedom has probably been dead in varying degrees for several hundred years. Imagine 150 years ago you don't need a passport, no permission from anyone to go anywhere?

Why should any man decide where I can go?

We need rules, but to an extent. What we have now is tyranny!

Why was JFK assassinated? Because he could of been a true President? Someone who cared about freedom and people! Sorry, not allowed! This was 60 years ago and it is now worse.

Can we negotiate with these people?

As a public we have conformed, and tried, but it is not working both ways, there is no negotiation!

This leaves us with few options; Subject; Give in; Or take it back; rise...? the only option is rebel! We have no other option now!

Ask not what your world can do for you....


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