JAB Induced AIDS Ravages U.S. Military - Ukrainian Cannibals EAT Russian Troops!
2 years ago
Mirrored from "Stew Peters Show" ---> ⁣https://rumble.com/v149dge-live-vaxx-induced-aids-ravages-u.s.-military-ukrainian-cannibals-eat-russia.html

I don't know if "CrossTalk" Media is Controlled Opposition .. It looks like in the past they SUPPORTED Q-Tards and Trump but they are CALLING out the Big Pharma JAB-o-CIDE agenda in this video! Stew Peters waivers between CONDEMMING Trump for supporting the JAB while he SUPPORTS the Doctors who speak at the RALLIES for the Trump-CINE King.

They LAUGH at the SIN commited in Sodom and ⁣Gomorrah and UNDERESTIMATE the power of Satan. Yes, Satan is a LOOSER, in the sense that he lost his RIGHT to RULE over the SOULS of men and to RULE over Earth at the CROSS of Jesus Christ but he still is the Prince of the Power of the AIR (until Jesus RETURNS) and he is DECEIVING many to think they can TAKE Dominion over this earth ... which is Contracty to the Teaching of the Prophecy of Revelation in the Bible.

I see they are Pimping for a BETTER future by investing your IRA in Gold.

⁣Edward Szall and ⁣Lauren Witzke gets accused of white supremacy (again). The military is forcing all military members to get an AIDS test, could it be tied to the bioweapon vaccine?

Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe (Feb 3, 2022) ---> ⁣https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00317-x

⁣Lauren Witzke: Former MAGA Senate candidate claims Madison Cawthorn is telling the truth and the GOP is full of ‘drug-sniffing’ child traffickers ---> ⁣https://vozwire.com/lauren-witzke-former-maga-senate-candidate-claims-madison-cawthorn-is-telling-the-truth-and-the-gop-is-full-of-drug-sniffing-child-traffickers/

And Ukrainian Nazis have now resorted to literal cannibalism in the face of defeat by the Russians (at 20 minute mark of this video).

⁣Ukrainian Soldier Cannibalizes Comrade Mistaken for Russian Fighter — Says “I am Now Officially a Cannibal” ---> ⁣https://www.dailyveracity.com/2022/05/09/ukrainian-soldier-cannibalizes-comrade-mistaken-for-russian-fighter-says-i-am-now-officially-a-cannibal/

⁣GOP Lawmakers Seek to Reinstate Troops Discharged over Vaccine Mandate ---> ⁣https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/05/06/gop-lawmakers-seek-reinstate-troops-discharged-vaccine-mandate/

⁣The US Army has ordered a full retest/review of all Soldiers for HIV & Sickle ---> ⁣https://www.timebomb2000.com/xf/index.php?threads/the-us-army-has-ordered-a-full-retest-review-of-all-soldiers-for-hiv-sickle-cell.619084/page-2

And while ROME burns from JAB-o-CIDE induced INJURY and DEATH the Main Scream Media fiddles the TUNE that we need to TAKE even MORE JABS "⁣Coronavirus wave this fall and winter could potentially infect 100 million, White House warns" ---> ⁣https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/06/politics/white-house-covid-fall-wave/index.html

⁣Tune in to MORE segments at CrossTalkNews ---> ⁣https://crosstalknews.com/

⁣Support our mission for TRUTH in Media ---> ⁣https://givesendgo.com/CrossTalkMission

Are you tired of the lies, deception, and greed that now govern our modern media? Our nation is in trouble, but we were given a solution 2000 years ago.

The answer is Jesus.

Where worldly media has chased him out to create fear and intimidation, CrossTalk News welcomes Him in as King.

Our Savior wants us to be wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves, so that is what we plan to do - give our viewers enough honest information to make wise and prayerful choices for their family, but to always come back to the Hope we have in Christ.

The devil tries to steal our joy, but God commands us to not worry, and to instead rejoice.

So we welcome you to join us as we boldly go where no news show has gone before…

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Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, and Pastor Todd Coconato bring years of professional experience in news coverage, media production, biblical teaching, and insider knowledge of global politics to educate and inspire generations young and old through the lens of the hope we have in Jesus’s saving grace.

Our mission statement is:

To be voices of hope, truth, and inspiration during a time of growing deceit, delusion, and chaos. To share the Gospel of the Kingdom, with generations old and new, through communication in the media.

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Provide discernment-on-demand, witty wisdom, and happiness and hope through fact-based reporting, grace-based interviews, and Christ-centered live commentary.

Does this mission resonate with you? Would you enjoy a Christian news show produced by the up and coming generation? Do you know someone who loves to watch the news, but doesn’t know Jesus?

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God has already provided an amazing studio and office space for us to work in, and team members who are talented and believe in the mission, as well as some great opportunities to put our show on existing and new platforms.

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If you feel led to support us through prayers, encouragement, or financial resources, we would be so grateful.

Our plan for the donations raised is to pay for a staff and to buy remaining production equipment, such as studio cameras. We also want to hire those who have been rejected and persecuted by the Luciferian system via vaccine mandates and ideological purges.

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⁣"No Child Left Behind" angered some of the children that it should have left behind ---> ⁣https://youtu.be/LslmcLp9b0A

⁣What evidence did the judge accept for the Salem witch trials? ---> https://bewedwell.com/witchcraft/what-evidence-did-the-judge-accept-for-the-salem-witch-trials.html

“Spectral Evidence" - refers to a witness testimony that the accused person’s spirit or spectral shape appeared to him/her witness in a dream at the time the accused person’s physical body was at another location. It was accepted in the courts during the Salem Witch Trials.

This is where we are headed ... Back to the Middle Ages where the PRIEST were revered RULERS of Society ... and they will be using Salem Witch Trials Evidence of their DREAMS and VISIONS to ACCUSE anyone who opposes their NAR Gospel of Heresy against God subject to DEATH!

Doctrine over Dreams! Word of God over Word of Faith! Scripture over Scripts!

I am thinking of how David Benjamin has been DEMONIZED by Dreamers and the DELUSIONAL Dreams of Mark Taylor that are like a MAGA Spell over the Church seeking Wealth here in a Kingdom on earth, not Jesus Chrsit in the Kingdom of Heaven.

⁣The gospel is simple enough a Child can understand it ... In fact Jesus said you must become like a Child to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3). This is not a statement by Jesus to become "Child Like" in your behavior or ATTITUDE but to TURN from the Knowledge of your VAIN reasoning about the Goodness of the world (REPENT) and ACKNOWLEDGE the Destructive way of your Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... so that you can SEE your NEED for Salvation from SIN (REVELATION) and you can BELIEVE that the Testimony and LIFE of Jesus Christ SATISFIES the RIGHTEOUS PAYMENT for the DEBT of your SIN (which is Eternal DEATH) and your can RECEIVE the PROMISE of Eternal LIFE in Christ (Born Again Holy Spirit BIRTH)!

And (Jesus) said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:3

⁣========= Jesus said "You MUST be BORN AGAIN" ==========

SATANIC VERSES OF THE JEWISH TALMUD: ZIONISTS, ZIONISM AND JUDAISM (2014) ---> https://hshidayat.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/the-satanic-verses-of-the-jewish-talmud-and-zionism/

REAGAN’S Lion and Lamb Ministries PROPHETIC MANIFESTO of the Coming End Times JUDGEMENT and RETURN of Jesus (2013)
Transcript Part 1 ---> https://christinprophecy.org/sermons/reagans-prophetic-manifesto-part-1/
Watch Part 1 on YT ---> https://youtu.be/Ev67kdvTvPA
Transcript Part 2 ---> https://christinprophecy.org/?sermons=reagans-prophetic-manifesto-part-2
Watch Part 2 on YT ---> https://youtu.be/5hPOooi5Xl4

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3

Watch "The Chosen" - Nicodemus meets Jesus - You Must Be Born Again! ---> https://youtu.be/YgWvBfGsUB4

You must be "born again" Spiritually to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven, to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST! Salvation is by BIRTH not BEHAVIOR.

THE CORONAVIRUS PLANNEDEMIC IS THE RED CARPET TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER DISGUISED AS THE GREAT RESET! ---> https://www.rapturecountdown.com/the-coronavirus-plannedemic-is-the-red-carpet-to-the-new-world-order-disguised-as-the-great-reset-2/

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag --> https://youtu.be/XyNuvJNE3-Q
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)

The UDB's of Salvation explained on Rogersings website ---> ⁣http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/
U – Understand that God is holy and God hates sin because sin has destroyed His world and sin separates you from His love and sin separates you from eternal life with God.
D – Desire to be reconciled to God and saved from the eternal death sentence that you are under because you were born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN).
B – Believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the grave proving He is the only begotten Son of God who will take away your sin.

⁣Dear Jesus,

I ask You to forgive me of my Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... which I was born with ... a NATURE that makes me think I can get through this world without You. I REPENT of my "I did it my way" attitude, which is REBELLION toward You and Your PLAN for me. I ask You to SAVE me from my SIN so I am NO Longer separated from You.

I believe that You, Jesus, are the Son God ... You are God in the FLESH. I believe You died on the cross for me and shed Your blood for me as the PAYMENT for my SIN and I believe that You rose from the grave on the third day to PROVE that EVERYTHING You SAID is TRUE! ⁣I RECEIVE You Jesus into my LIFE through Your HOLY Spirit so I am Spiritually BORN AGAIN. Thank You for saving my soul. Thank You for forgiving all my sins (past, present and future) and thank You for giving me Eternal Life and being IN me, never to FORSAKE me, EVER PRESENT to guide me, discipline me, comfort me and give me JOY! Amen

With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!

Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV ---> https://youtu.be/0I8VfF310EE

Blessings to the Family of God - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
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