Newsome's Illegal Billion Dollar Deal Buying Mask from China. Theft from America and a Gift to
3 years ago
⁣After doing some research, I am finding that Newsome of California has spent almost a billion dollars of your money on a half a billion mask. When put together, Newsome is paying $1.98 on each mask at the super wholesale manufacturers price. How does it cost $1.98 to prouce a stupid mask? It doesn't. Newsome is giving your billion dollars to a Chinese Manufacturer at incredible, incredible profits. I sure would like to see how much Newsome made from this. I want Newsome arrested for multiple crimes and acts of treason. The high price that he paid for these mask is why he wants you to wear two and three of them. His buddies and himself are benefiting from this sale in such a big way that it is a criminal act. Why didn't he buy the mask from a US Manufacturer, doesn't he like the Americans? No, he is paying so much meaning that a box of one hundred mask cost $198.00 dollars. I am showing a guitar that I bought on ebay for $79.00 with a case and amplifier and straps and everything with free shipping for only $79.00. How was it so much more difficult/expensive to make a hundred mask for $198.00 and it was so easy to make the knobs, circuit boards, case, speakers, electronic components, a whole guitar and everything else for only seventy nine dollars including shipping. This is such a big contrast. I want Newsome arrested for theft and treason. Please share this as much as you can. Thank you and have a nice day. C. Jeff Dyrek.
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