Chief in Command November 17 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago
[email protected] ⁣Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 25 Scorpio, and its Sabian symbol reads “Indians making camp in new territory”. It refers to the need to adjust to a new environment, and implies that one may have had the experience of having the “rug pulled out from beneath their feet”. In this chart the moon occupies 0 Capricorn, and its Sabian symbol reads “An Indian Chief claims recognition and power from the assembled tribe”. This implies the need to claim a leadership role, and in doing so, receive the support of the “tribe” or the people assigned to one’s jurisdiction. Venus at 25 Libra holds the symbol of an eagle and a white dove in a delicate dance turning into each other in flight. This signifies a situation requiring the strength and clarity of an eagle combining with the softness of a dove. Venus forms a square to the stellium in Capricorn involving Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn. Pluto’s symbols refers to a soldier’s medals of honor. Jupiter’s symbol refers to a woman entering a convent, signifying greater commitment and loyalty to spiritual convictions. Saturn’s degree symbolizes the large aviary where information continues to fly back and forth, creating noise that lends no real decisiveness or clarity. When we put these messages into the context of the sun’s and moon’s symbols, there is a need for leadership that demonstrates the eagle’s strength with the tenderness of a dove to take control of the “aviary”, bringing clarity to the situation and revealing a path forward. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #venus #pluto #jupiter #saturn
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