Dr. Lee Merritt | Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 55 - July 15 2021
3 years ago
⁣Dr. Lee Merritt joins Dr. P! Dr. T's away.

⁣Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 55 - July 15 2021

⁣⁣Dr. P’s 31 bullet points (1-24), truths and mantras that are short, sweet and to the point:
*Adjusted keyword names to SC2 and C9*

1) SC2 is not the cause of C9 illness.
2) C9 is not a severe acute respiratory syndrome.
3) C9 is a blood and blood-clotting disorder.
4) C9 symptoms are caused by a spike protein.
5) The spike protein is a man-made bio-weapon.
6) Spike protein can cause C9 symptoms without a coronavirus present.
7) Spike protein in C9 symptoms causes brain, heart, lung, liver, kidney, blood, and male and female reproductive damage.
8) C9 illness is not deadly.
9) C9 illness is greater than 99% recoverable.
10) C9 illness can be treated with known effective medicines, nutrients and safe medical interventions.
11) C9 injection is not a vaccine.
12) C9 injections are experimental.
13) C9 injections are not safe and have never been proven to be safe.
14) C9 injection materials are not safe for injection and have never been tested for biological mechanisms in the body.
15) C9 injection materials cause infertility and cancer.
16) C9 injection materials cause stokes, heart attacks, brain damage, blood
clots, myocarditis, miscarriages and menstrual irregularities.
17) C9 injections are leading to large numbers of deaths.
18) C9 injections use a technology never before shown to reduce or eliminate any infectious disease.
19) C9 injections do not protect against a SC2 viral infection.
20) C9 injections do not prevent transmission of SC2 virus.
21) C9 injections do not prevent severe illness from SC2 virus.
22) C9 injections do not prevent hospitalizations or deaths from SC2 viral infections.
23) C9 is being censored for all science other than the narrative and the agenda put forth by the main stream media.
24) Main stream media is lying to the American people.
25) Covid-19 narrative is censoring any discussion, any dialogue and any
debate about discrepancies in what is happening on the ground.
26) Covid-19 agenda is censoring all information and all truth other than the agenda being put forth through mainstream media.
27) Covid-19 injection adverse events are being ignored, denied and underreported.
28) Covid-19 injection adverse events are common.
29) VAERS is not being utilized.
30) VAERS is being ignored.
31) The American people, and people around the world, are being murdered, maimed and disabled by an injection that has nothing to do with health, and nothing to do with saving us from any kind of viral infection.

Thank you, symbol for this list. https://brandnewtube.com/@symbol
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⁣⁣Dr. Lee Merritt, ⁣⁣Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 55, July 15 2021
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