Alien Technology, Morgellons, Chemtrails, And Black Goo Presentation MUST WATCH!!!
3 years ago
This Video Is 7 Years Old!! VERY INTERESTING TOO SAY THE LEAST!!! To detox heavy metals, radiation toxicity (The Real Covid 5G)magnetism, and heavy metal toxins, I've found that the best thing to take is natural quality cliniptilolite zeolites. This stuff worked for me so I am sharing this info for anyone that is looking for a possible solution like I was. Zeolites are a natural mineral formed from volcanic lava meeting alkaline ocean water forming a porous mineral with a negative charge making it like a magnetic sponge. They use this to detox nuclear radioactive toxicity. Thats why I found it so promising. It explains why everything is contaminated with graphene oxide (A Superconductor) Here is the top quality brand in case you are wondering where to find it--> I got rid of my magnetism with this stuff but haven't been jabbed. Yes even unvaxxed can be magnetic. Specifically my collarbone close to my heart was magnetic for anyone wondering. Not sure if it was from people shedding the vax or if its from the contaminated food and drinks but probably both I suspect. I think everybody should know that this has worked for me at least. Oh, I must also add that I took NAC with it. If you want to Learn more about zeolites watch this To watch a video that corroborates this connection to why heavy metal detox is paramount now watch this
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