Day 6 Press Up Challenge _ The Egg is Good Food Good
3 years ago
⁣Nearly beat my previous record, but not quite there! I'll keep trying.

A couple of days ago, the media produced the headlines that egg consumption is associated with an increased risk of diabetes. That does not make sense to me because there are hardly any carbohydrates (sugar) in an egg and we know that it is starchy carbs that push up insulin causing diabetes in the long run.

The study that was conducted was an observational research and not a controlled study. Here is the link:

I believe it is what that is consumed with the eggs that potentially cause diabetes, like toast, bread, potatoes, fruit juice.

Eat your eggs - they are real food and good for you. They are reasonably cheap, filling, nutritious. They are a whole food.

So, eat real food to get & stay healthy and build a strong immune system to fight off disease.
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