Day 16 Press Up Challenge _ What Type Of Fat To Eat
3 years ago
⁣Embrace Eating Natural Fat

Fat that are naturally present in food is good for you. You
will find it in meat, fish, avocado, seeds & nuts. However, it is best to
eat grass-fed or organically reared meat and wild smaller fish like salmon.

These fats can be categorised into saturated, poly-unsaturated,
and mono-unsaturated fat. Saturated fat is the most stable of the fats meaning
that it can keep for a long time. On the opposite end of the scale,
mono-unsaturated fat has a short shelf life and can turn rancid quickly making
it toxic.

Some examples of saturated fat include butter, lard, bacon

If you choose to use cold pressed oil like avocado oil,
flaxseed oil, walnut oil, do make sure they are cold pressed, not heated, not filtered,
or refined. The heating process changes the molecular structure of the oil.

Oils from nuts and seeds contain a high proportion of Omega
6, which is inflammatory to the body. They are OK to eat in moderation and
should not form a high proportion of the diet.

Keep carbs down, consume more fat to burn fat, eat less because
fat keeps you satisfied.

Find out more about Fats from Dr Sten Ekberg

Best fats to eat:

Saturated Fat vs Unsaturated Fat
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