FREE RANGE: Gail of Gaia Talks With Drake Bailey About Current Events on The Planet
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3 years ago
⁣Disclaimer: The opinion of the guest or statements made do not necessicarily reflect that of FREE RANGE or its Host Gail of Gaia. Please use your own discernment and take what resonates and leave the rest behind.

Drake talks about the removal of nefarious beings from the planet and the development of Councils for governing over the planet. He talks about a non monetary finanacial system until it is no longer needed. Then he answers questions from listeners. ⁣The most recent shows are available at

A big heart felt thank you to all of you beautiful souls who have contributed to my channel. It helps more than you know. The cost of producing videos and establishing a website to protect the videos from the censorship and removal that is occuring now is expensive. I appreciate your help. ⁣Please send any donations to👍

Gail Ross
PO Box 20971
Sedona, Arizona 86341

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