Biden Struggles to Get Through Press Briefing & Ignores Questions | Direct Message | Rubin Repor
2 years ago
⁣Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Joe Biden’s disastrous gaffe-filled press briefing, the Supreme Court’s blocking of the Biden administration vaccine mandate, and a chilling warning from Ronald Reagan concerning big government. First, Dave shares some of the most cringe-worthy moments from yesterday’s Biden press conference. It was filled with stumbling, nonsensical statements, a call for more social media censorship, and ignored any questions from the press. Next, Dave discusses the Supreme Court’s mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging the Biden administration COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The Supreme Court blocked the OSHA vaccine mandate for large businesses, but upheld the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. Finally, Dave shares a clip of Ronald Reagan where he describes how big government can entrench itself in our lives and the slippery slope that can lead to totalitarianism and authoritarianism. It’s hard to articulate the slippery slope argument better than the great communicator himself, as he calls for a more limited government.
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