Fauci, covid, vaccination, covid 19, health, business, big pharma, medicine, science, technology, mRNA, experimental science, experimental medicine, trial runs, test subjects, culture, culture shock, society, globalization

Fauci Gets Vaccinated

44 Views - Published on 30 Dec, 2020
⁣The 4:00 to 4:30 time slot talks about the research over the years and the culmination of years of research.

The Overlord Doctor allegedly gets a covid vaccination, days after claiming to having given Santa Claus one. Several problems with that story: 1) is that government endorsement of a religious character; 2) is that cultural appropriation; & 3) does that mean the Good Ole Boy Doctor travelled without being vaccinated, infecting Santa and thus now a billion children?? Stay tuned, I have more coming from the 'good' doctor's mouth !!!!


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