“This Bud’s for You” by Thaddeus McDougleberry
⁣"This Bud’s for You"

American man
Put down your beer can
Turn off the tube

Don’t you chafe at the way you’ve been used
And abused
And what you’ve been made to do

There’ve been those foreign wars
And the jobs they’ve off-shored

They made your son into a moron
And your daughter a whore
And yet you take it

The powers you entrusted?
They let the aliens invade

Then they took your job away
And your dignity too

They said that convenience is freedom
And that credit cards make sense

They called you a bigot
A believer
In conspiracy nonsense

They said “Made in China” is patriotic
And what the papers write is true

They told you dissent is extremism
And the slaughter of the innocent
A human right

They said that war makes democracy
And true belief is hypocrisy

Then they threw away your patrimony
And asked you to die in Iraq

So are you just about ready?
To finally take this seriously?

To solemnly reflect
On all that’s been
What could have been
And what might still be?

Tell me
To which do you choose to cling?
To life or to liberty
Is a servile existence
Good enough for you?

I hope you’ve come to understand
No party
No negotiation
No compromise
Can help you now

Put down the remote
You know what needs to be done
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