Greg Reese: The Truth About Mass Psychosis
2 years ago
⁣MASS PSYCHOSIS, also know as GROUP MIND, MOB MENTALITY, or HERD MENTALITY. Before modern civilization we lived in herds and in order to survive in the herd we conformed to the herd. This is where Mass Psychosis all stands from. The most popular examples of explaining Mass Psychosis are typically angry mobs and violent riots. But these are merely the end results. Mass Psychosis begins when the individual mind starts to identify as a member of a group based on any unifying factor. The unifying factor doesn't even need to make sense. For many people the feeling of unity is enough. Our ego mind innately graves acceptance and by default will instinctively conform to whatever group it perceives to be the majority. In order to successfully conform the group the individual must put aside personal intuition and follow the guidance of the group. This makes a person highly controllable and spirituality stifles the individual which causes them grave group acceptance even more. Mans disposition for Mass Psychosis has been written about for millennia, most notably in ancient scripture and philosophy. And we all experience this as human beings whether we reflect upon it or not. Plato argued that due to the nature of group mind democracy always leads to tyranny and subjugation. His concern was the lack of good leadership and philosophized an ways of solving this.
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