Dr David Martin The Illusion Of Knowledge
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3 years ago
⁣Dr David E Martin is so incredible and I got so much positive feedback from yesterday’s Q&A session at a screening of Plandemic and so many reader requests to see the main event that I found it (or at least part of it) and it is even more incredible than the Q&A. Watching this video is like having paid $60,000 tuition to attend the highest-level university – a hypothetical university that is actually worth that.
He shares, “One of the experiences I had in my life was to be invited into the very heart of the organization that is running this very destruction. And in 1998, you can read about it in my novel, Coup d’Twelve…I was actually invited to take a very senior role in destroying this planet. And like everything else, the deal was a good deal…but at what price your soul?…
He says that Cabal agents tried bribing him with women, money – you name it – and that if he hadn’t been raised as a Mennonite, these might have worked.
“This particular campaign began in 1804. Edward Jenner who is the person who gave us the opportunity to call a thing a ‘vaccine’…decided there was actually an opportunity and a risk to play around with the weaponization of nature. And in 1803, he decided to coin a conversation that lasted for 80 years, which was ‘How can we use the plague constructively?’…
“And in 1883, Francis Galton came up with the answer to the question – and the answer to the question was these beautiful things called bacterium, viruses, plague could be very interestingly described into a term he decided to publish in 1883 as ‘Eugenics’ and ‘Wouldn’t it be interesting if we could actually harness nature to actually be weaponized against humanity?’
“If we were to examine the business plan that gave rise to what we’re experiencing now – and by the way, that business plan included an industry that mysteriously, for the last 15 months, none of us have heard anybody talking about – except a bald-headed, bowtie-wearing idiot from Virginia, you didn’t hear about life insurance!
“Oooh. Now we’re gonna get real. Because, it turns out that between 1883 and 1893, the largest growth contributor to the GDP of this country was the trade in the fear of death. The life insurance industry represented more than the combined contribution to the economy of the coal, steel and manufacturing – COMBINED. In the ten years from 1883 and 1893.
“And the reason why none of your are talking about this is because, if you want to know who runs the world, you’ve got it all wrong, ever since you were fooled into believing that the Federal Reserve was a central bank money-grab by bankers and by the Cabal in 1913, because it turns out, conveniently, insurance companies – not banks – put up banks to be the Fall Guy.
“In 1904, all you have to do is look at who was on the dais when the President was sworn into to office, the following year, 1905. And you see, quite mysteriously, standing next to the President of the United States were the executives of New York Life, of Aetna and of the major life insurance companies of America.”
I can’t transcribe it all – and I don’t think you want to read the entire transcript, either but he gets into so many vital riffs, he is a thing of wonder. Here’s one last point I can’t resist sharing:
“Isn’t interesting, that we’re marching for Civil Rights when we’re murdering people? Isn’t that a really cool paradox, where our official cover story is all about ‘equal access’ and ‘let’s let everybody to the drinking fountain’, to ‘let’s have less people to the drinking fountain,’ to the point where we could maybe get nobody to the drinking fountain…
“Now here’s, in my view, the long arc of the insurance companies’ story, the Original Sin. And I am going to offend almost everybody in the room with what I’m going to say about science…It turns out, you don’t have DNA. You have chromosomes. Nature made chromosomes…DNA is not a product of nature. It is a model of human manipulation. Listen carefully to what I’m saying: DNA is not a product of nature, it is a characteristic, it is a model of human manipulation…
“Why do you think the Nobel Prize was awarded to the people who didn’t even discover the thing (DNA)? They didn’t! Watson and Crick had nothing to do – seriously – nothing to do with discovering anything. They happened to be eugenicists who would support a cover story that would tell science, ‘Don’t look anywhere else, only look to the double helix.
“Going to go out on a limb here, for ya. Chromosomes, being paramagnetic, wound, helical coils of conductive material are quite possibly antennae. They’re quite possibly not chemistry, at all. And it turns out, I’ve proven that in the lab.
Read more: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-the-illusion-of-knowledge/
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