Rise With BNT 143 | C19 #LockdownFiles | WHO Pandemic Treaty | Child Abduction
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1 year ago
https://www.soniapoulton.co.uk/fighting-fund Rise With BNT 143 | C19 #LockdownFiles | WHO Pandemic Treaty | Child Abduction | Ukraine | Change Gender | LOVE Party | Negative Feelings Tan
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 Bea Dala Avatar
Bea Dala - 1 year ago
Yay, watching now on upload. These #LockdownFiles are quite spurious and Hancock, as a Public SERVANT, is guilty of malfeasance in Public Office, at the very least. For him to say he wanted to scare the pants off of the citizens of the UK is beyond reprehensible. Public Servants are supposed to protect citizens and have their best interests in the forefront. The suffering (and suicides) caused to all those people with already high levels of anxiety/mental health struggles et al, is abhorrent. Hancock is literally the epitome of the banality of evil, along with his cohort.

 Bea Dala Avatar
Bea Dala - 1 year ago
The Predators That Be need to destroy individual Sovereign Nation Governments through exposing (deliberate) 'incompetency' (their word, not mine). How can you install a New World Government (WEF/WHO) when you still have sitting Sovereign Powers? <-- Rhetorical question.

 Drumstick Avatar
Drumstick - 1 year ago
Hi Sonia! Thanks for doing the show, even though it wasn't live. Two thumbs up! PS: Ash made an important point, I'm paraphrasing : "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Let's keep that in mind when they try to roll another plandemic out...!

 Sarah Elizabeth Avatar
Sarah Elizabeth - 1 year ago
Right with Dutty monkey! I don’t trust the content of the whats app messages. No way on gods earth can those messages not contain anything to do with Midazolam. Why didn’t Isabel come clean a year ago with her evidence if she knew it was for the good of the country? As for those at the Carlton club ‘Elites’ … that was cringe! All singing off the same hymn sheet making them look desperate… fame hungry embarrassments.