A poem inspired by the hundreds of thousands who signed up for the jab purely for the freedom of travelling abroad. (I refuse to call it a va**ine because it is under trials until 2023, which makes it an ongoing experimental injection ). Yet found themselves still having to quarantine on their return. (Some even on their arrival to a foreign country.) Then who found themselves confined to house arrest while a whole truckload of supposed Quarantine Inspectors turned up knocking on theIr doors asking for their ID. It's like the Stasi or Gestapo all over again. And please don't kid yourself that that experimental jab you've had will give you unlimited freedom in the future, coz it won't. Not unless, of course, you are prepared to be injected on a regular basis with their up and coming experimental 'boosters'... And while I'm absolutely for anyone taking the jab who wants it, I will continue to decline thank you, until they are able to provide me with the full list of Long and Short term side effects. And as someone who has been through chemotherapy, believe me when I say long term side effects should never be brushed off as insignificant.
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