Royce Alexander White | Session 106: Mapping the Elephant
2 years ago
⁣Guest: Royce Alexander White - GOP Candidate, former professional basketball player and civil rights activist.About: In 2020 during the George Floyd situation in Minneapolis, he was leading several peaceful protests throughout the city. He spoke out about Corporatocracy during the marches and staged Die-In’s at institutions such as The Federal Reserve.Is a vocal critic of the Uyghur-internment in China, where about 2 million Uyghurs are kept in concentration camps.

Regularly addresses suppressed information about GoF Research, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Larry Hoover, Jeff Fort, Muammar Gaddafi, The Great Reset, Ivermectin, Me Too

“Right now we face an enemy that intends to bastardize our citizenship through an idea called globalism.”The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.

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Royce Alexander White | Session 106: Mapping the Elephant

Royce Alexander White, Session 106, Mapping the Elephant, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, May 27 2022
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